The first sketch involved generic scientists in white lab coats. The next version had the monkeys and a steampunkish female wizard since the client was a woman. However she preferred a more traditional Wizard of Oz character.
The client was very happy with the final product and it made the cover of Angewandte Chemie International Edition, volume 31, issue 39. If you are interested to find out more about rechargeable magnesium batteries, you can find the article here accompanied by my illustration.
It would be easy for me to make a cheap comment about how hairy this level of chemistry is. But it's this kind of unsung work that goes on by scientists and engineers around the world to try and make the world more efficient. In this case another step has been made to improve batteries needed for electric cars of the future.
In the media today tech industries are equated with computers and the internet out in Silicone Valley. I would argue tech industry term should be more encompassing and include the automotive industry. Of course I am biased working on some the leading steering systems technology.